About mimi

Hello! My name is li/mimi and I'm a Taiwanese-Korean artist currently working a fulltime office job in Washington. I opened up honeymimi goods for fun in October 2020 with only dangly gon charms and killua/gon heart charms, and today it's grown to over 50 products!

My shop name is inspired by my childhood nickname, "mimi", which comes from the chinese word for "honey" (蜜). I've been using it as my social media alias for the past few years now, and thought it would make sense for it to be in my shop name as well!

I've grown up loving anime, manga, games and drawing, and stumbled upon Hunter x Hunter in high school. Thanks to it, I got to meet some amazing friends and artists, and got obsessed with the anime/manga! I also recently have gotten into OMORI and hanako kun, and I love them all so much!

My favorite part of being an artist is creating content that makes fans happy or touches their hearts. It's been a lifelong dream of mine to open an online store with my designs, and you all make it possible! It makes my day when I hear that you like your charms/stickers, or that you gifted them to someone special. I'm really honored to be a small part of your lives through my art, and want thank you so much for your support and love (*´▽`*)

Currently, my fulltime work and living life has been taking over my time and energy, which is why I haven't been as active as I'd like to be on social media. But hearing you all enjoying my content keeps me going, and I'll continue dedicating much of my freetime into making charms and stickers for you all! ^o^

If you'd like, you can connect with me through my instagram @honeymimiart and other socials for my most recent art and shop updates :)
Here is my carrd with clickable links to my socials for more stuff as well > < Thank you for visiting, and feel free to message me if you have any questions! Take care and have a great day!